3 Inexpensive Home Insulation Tips

Insulating your home can help you with saving a lot of money on your home heating and cooling costs. But home insulation can be expensive. If you want to help save money until you can have your home properly insulated, here are some inexpensive home insulation tips.

Use Weatherproofing to Cover Air Leaks

Use caulking and weatherproofing strips to seal the air leaks in your windows and doors. Kits for insulating windows aren’t very expensive and they are easy to install.  You will be surprised at how different your home feels.

Hang Thick Curtains on Your Windows

Curtains are a great way you can insulate your windows. Not only will they help with keeping the heat in, but they will also help with keeping the heat out during the summer. If you want to keep your current curtains, you can also use a liner with your curtains.

Seal Air Leaks in Your Attic

In the majority of homes, a lot of heat escapes into the home’s attics. Even though you can insulate the attic space using foam, you also can use foil material as a less expensive material. This will help with reflecting the heat back into the home.

These are three inexpensive home insulation tips that you can use to help your home feel warm in the winter and cool in the summer while saving money. And they can be done whether you live in an apartment or a house because they don’t make a lot of changes to the home.

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About the author : Robin Colon