9 Simple Carpet Cleaning Tips to Make Your Life Easier

If you have carpeting on your floors rather than hardwood floors, you know that it can get dirty fast and require carpet cleaning. Below are nine simple tips that you can use for carpet cleaning and for helping to keep your carpet clean.

  • Move your furniture and other items from your carpet before you vacuum your carpet. This way your whole carpet gets clean.
  • Set your vacuum to the right height for your carpet type. This will give you the best suction.
  • Vacuum slowly, making sure that you go over the high-traffic areas a few times to get the best results.
  • Quickly clean up crumbs using your lint roller.
  • Collect any pet hair by running a squeegee with a rubber edge over your carpet.
  • Brighten and freshen your carpet by sprinkling baking soda liberally over it each month. Allow it to sit at least an hour to absorb odors and oily stains. Then vacuum the baking soda away.
  • Take your shoes off before walking on the carpet to help it stay clean for longer.
  • Spot clean the difficult stains, such as red wine, pet stains, and a lot more. This will make the stains easier to remove.
  • Wipe your pet’s paws when they come in from outside.

These are some carpet cleaning tips that you can use to help your carpet keep looking its best. It also helps if your carpet is not light-colored, since that can make the dirt show up a lot more easily. You may also want to consider calling a professional carpet cleaning company once in a while to give your carpets a thorough deep cleaning.

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About the author : Robin Colon