A Guide to the 3 Grades of Commercial Locks

As a business owner, you want to make sure that your doors are as secure as possible, and that means that you want to consider the different types of locks to use for your business. One thing to know is that they come in three different commercial grades. These types of locks have stronger ratings than residential grades. Below we are going to look at these grades of locks and some explanations of them.

  • Grade 3 – This is the standard lock and it’s usually used for doors to residences. They also are often used for those areas that aren’t open to general traffic, such as break rooms, supply closets, and offices that don’t have expensive equipment in them.
  • Grade 2 – These are for things like a door that leads into a complex’s apartment building. It also can be used for storage rooms that house valuable equipment and merchandise.
  • Grade 1 – These are the strongest. They’re used for areas that are very secure and used in places like hospitals, museums, and schools. They also will usually last longer than the other two grades. The items that they are protecting are usually the most expensive.

These are the three grades of commercial locks. You want to think about what kind of business you have and then determine the types of locks that you want in your business. Chances are that you will use at least one or two grades since you have several areas to protect. So, find the right ones for you.

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About the author : Robin Colon