How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Signs with Basic Maintenance

If you’ve made an effort to boost your business by investing in high-quality signs, it makes sense that you want to do all you can to take good care of them so they last you a long time. While professional maintenance is essential, there are a few things you can do on your own to protect your signs and make sure they look good and perform well for as long as you need them to. Read on to learn a few easy maintenance tips to keep your signs in good shape.

  1. Consistent Cleaning : Keeping your signs free from built-up dirt, grime, and other gunk will not only make them look more attractive and easier to notice, but it’ll also help prevent wear and tear. It’s usually safe to clean signs with mild soap and water, but always ask your manufacturer if you’re not sure how to clean them on your own properly.
  2. Structural Checks : If you have signs that are attached to buildings or poles, make sure you’re maintaining those elements as well. You can also check to make sure the fixtures attaching your signs to a structure are secure, but only do so if it is easily accessible from the ground. If the signs are far off the ground or otherwise difficult to reach, contact a professional to do routine inspections and maintenance.
  3. Tidy Surroundings : Keeping your signs clean is important, but all that effort is wasted if the area around them is overgrown, grimy, or full of trash and clutter. Keep the space around your signs clean and easy to see, which will help keep your signs looking nice as well as make your space inviting for guests.
  4. Regular Inspections : Make a habit of visually inspecting your signs for evidence of cracks, tears, fading, loose components, burnt-out lightbulbs, or other wear and tear. Always consult the manufacturer before performing any repairs or upgrades to ensure you won’t further damage your signs.
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About the author : Robin Colon