Pros & Cons of Interior Painting vs Hanging Wallpaper

When the time comes that you want to redecorate your home or perhaps do some remodeling, one of the things that you might think about is whether you should paint your walls or hang wallpaper. Interior painting is something that a lot of people choose, but let’s take a look at the pros and cons of interior painting over hanging wallpaper.

Pros of Painting Your Home’s Interior

  • Cost-effective – It’s usually less expensive than wallpapering. This is particularly true if you’re doing the painting yourself.
  • Fast to Apply – It doesn’t take a lot of time to do it, particularly when spraying the paint.
  • Simple to Clean – When you paint using high-quality paint, the walls will be simple to maintain and clean, meaning it’s ideal for areas with a lot of traffic.
  • Versatile – There are many finishes and colors from which to choose. It’s simple to create a look that’s perfect for your home décor and style.

Cons of Painting Your Home’s Interior

  • Less Durable – Walls that are painted are prone to fading, chipping, and peeling as time goes by.
  • Limited Texture – Even though it’s possible to add texture to a painted wall, it’s harder to do it than with wallpaper.
  • Takes Time to Prep – Preparing walls properly to be painted can take a while which involves, cleaning them, sanding them, and priming them.

These are some of the pros and cons of interior painting over hanging wallpaper in your home. Think about what will work best for your home and the advantages and disadvantages of painting your interior, then make your decision.

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About the author : Robin Colon