Swivel vs Rigid Medium-Duty Casters: Which Is Right for You?

Casters play a big role in the mobility and functionality of equipment, allowing the user to move the piece from one place to another. Medium-duty casters are among the most commonly used and widely applicable options and can be found everywhere, from food processing facilities to retail stores. When you’re assessing your options for casters, choosing between rigid and swivel medium-duty casters is an important decision that will impact your equipment’s mobility and ease of use. Let’s delve into the benefits and main features of each.

Swivel Medium-Duty Casters

  • Flexibility– Swivel casters are able to rotate 360 degrees, affording the operator precise control over their direction. This flexibility makes them great for situations where maneuverability is paramount, such as moving things through narrow spaces or crowded areas.
  • Reduced Strain– Since they can be easily moved in any direction, swivel casters are generally more user-friendly and minimize operator strain.

Rigid Medium-Duty Casters

  • Stability– Rigid casters have a fixed direction, which affords them extra stability and makes it easier to move them along a fixed pathway. Their design helps them evenly distribute weight, making them ideal for loads that require additional balance or stability.
  • Simplicity– Because there are few moving parts, rigid casters are generally easier to maintain and often have a longer lifespan. Their simple design also means that they tend to be more cost-effective than swivel options.

If your workplace requires a blend of precise maneuverability and superior stability, it may be worthwhile to consider combining the two options. For example, you can install swivel casters on the front ends of your equipment and rigid casters on the back to merge the best of both options. Consulting with experts who can offer insight into the best options for your specific equipment and applications will ensure that you choose the right medium-duty casters for your needs.

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About the author : Robin Colon