Things to Tell Your Architect When Building a House

When building a custom home, you may decide to enhance the outcome of your project by working with an architect. By partnering with an architect, you’ll be in a better position to get what you really want out of your new house in terms of functionality and overall design.

When you meet with your architect for the first time, there are several things you should bring up and discuss with them to get the design stage off on the right track:

  • Tell your architect what your goals and vision are for your new home. Explain what you hope to achieve and any design preferences you have.
  • Let your architect know what kind of budget limitations you have for the project. You should also inform your architect of any timeline preferences you have for building your new home. This way, your architect can create plans that align with your financial and time requirements.
  • Your architect will need to know where you plan to build your new home. Let them know as much as possible about the specific characteristics of the building site, including the size and shape of the lot, topography, access points, views, and any local regulations that could affect the design.
  • Give your architect details about the functional needs and requirements you have for your home. Bring up your needs for the number of rooms your home should have, your desired layout, your storage requirements, and any specific features you want to include.
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About the author : Robin Colon